
Take only Memories, Leave only Footprints | Miles with Vibes - Travel & Photography Blog

2020-01-19 11 Dailymotion

This video was created by #MilesWithVibes and it features numerous locations around the world. Visit our #TravelBlog, like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for more #TravelStories.

TRAVEL BLOG: https://www.mileswithvibes.com
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/mileswithvibes
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MilesWithVibes

Music By TONY ANDERSON - "Eyes Wide Open" - tonyandersonmusic.com
You can get this song here: https://amzn.to/2FnEFhb

Parts of video resources were used from cutestockfootage.com

Videos taken by Miles with Vibes were shot in:
-New Zealand

Questions or business inquires: [email protected]